Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday

Hey all! Today is going to be my first day participating in Top 2 Tuesday!

I found this on another Marine wife's page and thought it was a cute idea. Today's topic is TOP 2 CELEBRITY HAIR STYLES. This worked out great because I have been looking at hair styles for a couple days trying to decided what I want to do for the ball coming up this weekend.

My #1: Reese Witherspoon. I adore her, and ever since high school I have modeled my hair styles and cuts after her. (I rocked the super short flipped out blonde for years. haha)

My #2: Eva Longoria: I think she is always gorgeous, and I love this hair style! So elegant, but fun.

So Logan has to go back to the doctor this afternoon because his anti-biotics are not agreeing with him. And I am going to get all the paperwork done to get him into daycare on the gym so I can start going during the day when it's less crowded. Megan and I hit up the gym last night for the first time in a couple weeks, and although I'm super sore today, I felt great after the workout. So hopefully now that my days are a little less crazy I can keep it up! 

I am also happy to report that one of my dearest friends Autumn became a new mommy today!! I am so thrilled for her and her husband, Josh! They are the best couple and I know they will be amazing parents! I cannot wait to see baby Owen! It's still so hard for me to believe that most of my high school friends and I are parents! Where does the time go?! I'm so thankful to still be in touch with those who mean so much to me and that we are able to share our lives with each other even when we are all states away.

Happy Tuesday Everyone! <3

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