Thursday, March 31, 2011

And visions of trees? danced in his head.

Yesterday, Logan went to the playroom daycare at the gym for the first time while I got in a good workout. He cried at first, but was okay after a couple minutes. They have monitors in the playroom so you can see the kids as you workout, but they can't see you. It was neat to watch him interact and play with other kids when I wasn't around. When I came back in to pick him up he took off running towards me (which always makes me feel great) and then randomly burst into tears! haha. I don't know if he was just overly emotion or what. But we had a pretty good and productive day. 

Today is going to be a long day! Poor Logan was up most of the night with a fever of 102 that still had not broke at 9:00 this morning. I think he is feeling much better now, but we are both extra tired because of it. He has been a very healthy baby his first 15 months so when he does get sick it just kills me! I cannot stand to see him hurt. We have got to get to the grocery store today though because TOMORROW, my parents will be here for the weekend! We cannot wait! 

I have always wondered what my son dreams about. I know their is some debate as to whether or not babies actually dream, but I am totally convinced they do. It always peaked my curiosity as to what he was dreaming about when he would smile or even crack up laughing in his sleep. Well last night, my question was answered. (At least about last night's dreams.) Logan was in bed sleeping with me since he was so restless all night and he talked all night! He kept saying "buttball" (which means football) and tree in his sleep. So apparently this is what consumes his sleeping mind. Doesn't surprise me at all. The kid is OBSESSED with anything and everything football! He can point out any and all football logos on anything. He loves it! 

Well, I guess we're going to go get motivated. It's rainy, cold and yucky out again so this is going to be somewhat difficult. But we'll get bundled up and on our way.
May God bless you with a wonderful day. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday

Hey all! Today is going to be my first day participating in Top 2 Tuesday!

I found this on another Marine wife's page and thought it was a cute idea. Today's topic is TOP 2 CELEBRITY HAIR STYLES. This worked out great because I have been looking at hair styles for a couple days trying to decided what I want to do for the ball coming up this weekend.

My #1: Reese Witherspoon. I adore her, and ever since high school I have modeled my hair styles and cuts after her. (I rocked the super short flipped out blonde for years. haha)

My #2: Eva Longoria: I think she is always gorgeous, and I love this hair style! So elegant, but fun.

So Logan has to go back to the doctor this afternoon because his anti-biotics are not agreeing with him. And I am going to get all the paperwork done to get him into daycare on the gym so I can start going during the day when it's less crowded. Megan and I hit up the gym last night for the first time in a couple weeks, and although I'm super sore today, I felt great after the workout. So hopefully now that my days are a little less crazy I can keep it up! 

I am also happy to report that one of my dearest friends Autumn became a new mommy today!! I am so thrilled for her and her husband, Josh! They are the best couple and I know they will be amazing parents! I cannot wait to see baby Owen! It's still so hard for me to believe that most of my high school friends and I are parents! Where does the time go?! I'm so thankful to still be in touch with those who mean so much to me and that we are able to share our lives with each other even when we are all states away.

Happy Tuesday Everyone! <3

Sunday, March 27, 2011

No ball in the house?

This has been one of the best weekends in Jacksonville I can remember in a long time! On Friday, we had dinner with the usual gang and then went home to a quiet Lost marathon. (Lost is my newest addiction.) Then on Saturday, some of our really good friends, the Underwoods came to town to visit from Virginia Beach. It was so great to see them and to hang out with a few friends we hadn't seen in awhile. Logan went to Saturday Night Daycare while we all had grown-up time.

Today, Sunday, we all slept in a little later than usual and hung around the house being lazy for awhile. It was crazy cold and rainy out today, so it was a great day for cuddling on the couch, watching basketball and being lazy. This Elite Eight round was going to have a negative outcome for me now matter what happened. I hate UNC (naturally, I'm a Duke fan.) and I hate Kentucky, #1 because they beat my mountaineers and #2, because I just hate Kentucky. So I'm rooting on the Big East and pulling for UCONN to win it all!!

When we finally got motivated, we made a quick trip to the store and then got to working on the task of shampooing the carpets. I hate moving furniture, but I love how clean the house feels. Evan has been working on cleaning out and organizing all of his gear in our spare room, and so far we're on day two of that operation. If you ask me, if the Marine Corps is going to insist on issuing Marines that much gear, they should also issue a storage unit to each house to keep it in! It's amazing what he has accumulated over the past (almost) 5 years! A plus to carpet shampooing day ... A wide open living great for playing football! Evan, Logan and I passed the little Nerf football and wrestled each other around for hours! It was tons of fun! And I loved being able to abolish one of the golden mom rules of "No ball in the house!" Logan was a little irritated that he didn't have any chairs to hide behind when he was being chased, though. :)

4 more days until the parents get here! We're super excited! And I'm happy to have another fun weekend in the books.

Wore out after playing ball!

Like father, like son.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The countdown is on!

In exactly 1 week my parents will be here for a visit!! They haven't been down to visit in about a year, and I cannot wait to have them here! We see them pretty frequently in West Virginia and various places in between, but it's always nice to have them here on our turf and with no other distractions. I am getting so anxious for them to be here and hope the next week will fly by!

Today started out with my oversleeping due to my alarm malfunctioning! I woke up to the mother of the little girl I babysat knocking on the door and me feeling like an irresponsible teenager for not being out of bed on time! After that, it was a mad rush to get two babies and myself dressed and out the door in order to make it to the doctor's office by 8. We made it! Mr. Logan has allergies (who wouldn't with literally EVERYTHING covered in a blanket of yellow pollen) and has developed an ear infection because of it. :( Other than that though, he is complete fine and healthy. The doctor went on and on about how "handsome" Logan is and how he was "one of the most handsome little boys he's ever seen." Well I knew all of this, of course. ;) It's always nice to hear strangers, especially doctors who see hundreds of kids a week, confirm that you're not just a biased mother. A quick trip to the pharmacy and K-Mart went off without a hitch. By the time we returned home the kids were more than ready for a nap, and I was more than ready for them to take one. Today was our last day with Mattison. With my upcoming school schedule and our moving plans uncertain, she had to go to a new babysitter. We will miss her. Logan will definitely miss his everyday play pal. 

The 3 of us (momma, daddy and baby) are about to go curl up in bed for a good snuggle-fest, a Disney movie and my nose still stuck in "Confessions of a military wife." I'm certain it won't take any of us long to pass out. And yay for sleeping in on Saturdays! 
Sweet dreams <3

Logan & Momma after dinner

Rockin' the Coach shades.

Destructive baby.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What can "brown" do for you?

Well "brown" can make my whole day!! I LOVE getting packages in the mail! I don't know why, but even when I know what's in the package, and know that it's nothing of great importance, I just find something so exciting about the UPS truck pulling up and leaving a big box or extra large envelope on my doorstep! Today was no exception. Somehow, I managed to miss seeing the big brown truck drive down my street, and apparently missed the dinging of my doorbell, because when I took the kiddos outside to play I was pleasantly surprised by an oversized envelope leaning up against my door. Inside I found a book that I had ordered from Amazon by standup comedian and Marine Corps wife, Mollie Gross. I've watched several of her standup acts on youtube and follow her on Facebook. I've been anticipating the arrival of this book for about a week now, and am already several chapters in. Mollie gives a realistic and humorous outlook on what it's like being married to someone in the military. She doesn't hold back, doesn't sugar coat the truth, is somewhat crude and "unlady-like," and tells it exactly how it is! My kind of woman! What a breath of fresh air from the stuffy old books of do's and dont's and military protocol. I am having a hard time putting this book down long enough to  bathe my child and type this blog! ;) I can already say I recommend it to military spouses AND civilians. The book gives wonderful and real perspective on what life is really like being married to a Marine. (or any other service member)

So, this post turned into somewhat of a book report. But it's been awhile since I've read anything that's had me so intrigued. But tt's John Wayne movie night in bed with the hubs, :) so I better scram. 
Sweet dreams, y'all.

Life ain't always beautiful...

Today, my heart goes out to one of the most special families in the world to me. It's so hard to understand God's plan sometimes. Bad things happen to the best of people and it simply isn't fair. I know that the Good Lord doesn't go on what our plans are. And it's hard to realize sometimes that we are not in control. You think that if you live life right, are a good person, help others and try to live by God's word that you will have a full and happy life. But that's not always the case. Life isn't fair. It isn't always beautiful. It's messy and it's hard. But I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason," and I'll ask you all today to pray that this family finds comfort and reason in their dark time...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A pocket full of sunshine.

It's going to be another gorgeous day here in awful Jacksonville, NC. Normally, I try to find the good in everyone and everything because I believe it is in there somewhere. But 4 years later and I am still having a hard time finding the goodness in this town. One of the few positives is this wonderful weather! Another projected high of 83 today! Not sure what we will have on the agenda today. I am looking into joining a stroller strides group in the next couple weeks. It is an exercise group geared toward engaging your children in activities while you exercise. I'm really excited about it and will love having something to do outdoors. 

I'm starting to learn my way around the blogging world and have really enjoyed the military spouse blogs. So many different people with such similar lives. The military community is a great one and I love how everyone (for the most part) always has each other's back.

Well, not much else to ramble on about for now. Miss Mattison will be here soon and then it's diaper changes, sippy cup refills, and refereeing over toys. I hope my friends and family further north stay warm in all the cold and snow they are supposed to get. I'll soak up a little extra sun just for y'all. ;) 
Have a blessed day every one. 

This was the scene I stumbled upon last night when I walked down the hallway. 
I just love them to pieces. <3

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunny days, chasin the clouds away.

Sunshine is good for the soul! Today was such a beautiful day! I got a lot of yard work done and finally hosed off the globs of mud stuck to our clothes from our adventures this past weekend. The kids and I enjoyed some bubbles, sidewalk chalk, swinging, and a good game of "momma chase me while I laugh hysterically." 

Today is also my middle nephew Elijah's, birthday! He's such an awesome kid! I cannot believe it has been 9 whole years since he was born. He's my kind of guy. He likes very few people, and comes off a little bit hateful. Just how I like people. haha. Luckily, he loves his aunt Courtney. We have always had a pretty close bond.  And he really really loves his uncle Evan. They are always wrestling and being ninjas and marines together! I dare say uncle Evan is one of his favorite people. He's a little soccer star, and I cannot wait to see what he does with his life in the coming years. So happy birthday Elijah David. We love you!

A happy anniversary.

 Hey y'all! It's Tuesday, and if you ask me, Tuesday is the worst day of the week! Monday gets the bad rap, but at least on Monday the weekend is still fresh in your mind and you have something to share and talk about with others. On Tuesday, everything is old news, it's still way too far away from the weekend, and in the fall/winter, their is definitely no Tuesday night football! So Tuesdays are lame (I'm sure you will agree) ;)

On today's agenda: OUTSIDE ALL DAY! The weather channel is predicting a high of 85 degrees!! It seems that old man winter has finally got the hint that he has worn out his welcome and spring is finally here! So I plan on getting a winter's worth of leaves and pinecones raked up out of the yard while the youngins' play. I babysit an almost 2 year old little girl, and this will be a great way for her and my son to get good and tired for a nice long nap later today. They're the cutest kids, and so good, and it has been great for Logan to be around another baby all day. 

On another note, 1 year ago tonight, my husband (and one of our closest friends Matt) returned home from Afghanistan and finally got to meet our then 3 month old baby boy! That night will always be one of the best nights of my life. My husband had been safely returned home from war twice, and my new little family was finally complete. I had never felt so blessed by God as I did that night. It was such a wonderful thing to watch them get to know each other, and to see the instant love my husband had for our son. I had a few amazing friends by my side, as they always have been while we waited around in the gym on base and then out in the cold for hours! Finally, around 2 am, the buses pulled in and my whole world was complete. I know that not every military family gets to experience that same outcome, so I am taking a lot of extra time today to thank the Good Lord for all he has blessed me with. I am so thankful to have these moments caught on tape to share with our son someday.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 1, Let's get this party started!

So I've been trying to find a way to share pictures and posts of our family, and mainly our son, without having to use Facebook and get caught up in all it's drama. A friend of mine has a wonderful blog that she uses for the same, so I became inspired to start my own. It's going to take a lot of playing around with to get it looking how I want, but I think I am off to a great start!

I imagine that most people who will read this blog will already know a lot about my family, but here's a little background for those who stumble upon it and don't know us ... My husband and I have the typical small town fairytale story. We met in middle school, and the good Lord brought us back together our Senior year of high school. He went off to join the Marine Corps right after we graduated, and my life has been a crazy emotional ride of hard goodbyes, long months of waiting, and picture perfect reunions ever since. I did at year at West Virginia University while he was in California for 9 months, and then we quickly decided that we wanted this love story forever. We were married in 2007 and I moved to Camp Lejeune, NC. I've held down the fort while Evan served a tour in Iraq. And on Christmas day 2009, with my mom by my side and Evan in Afghanistan, I welcomed our first child into the world. Our next chapter will be Quantico, VA, with plans of Evan becoming an officer, me finishing my Bachelors in Communications, and hopefully a house FULL of babies!

Today is Monday, and a typical one in our house. Monday aren't very exciting around here, and are mainly filled with laundry, dishes, diaper changes, and catching up on house cleaning from the weekend before. We did however, have a pretty eventful weekend for once! Friday, Evan had duty and we didn't get to see him at all. But Logan and I were busy packing and getting ready! Saturday we ventured North a few hours and met "Nan-Nan" for some awesome Tanger Outlet Mall shopping where we scored some amazing deals! I walked away with a new pair of shoes and roughly 6 new summer outfits for Logan at around 150 bucks! A successful trip! After that, we met Evan at an ATV park where we camped and finally got to ride the new ATV! I didn't get to do much riding since we had Logan, but it was great to get away from the busyness of Jacksonville and finally do something we all enjoy! We ended the weekend with burgers and hot dogs on the grill with our favorite friends. It was one of the best weekends we've had in awhile and I hope many more are soon to follow!

I hope you enjoy this blog, and I hope a lot of my family will follow it so they watch Logan grow and change. Happy Monday!