Yesterday, Logan went to the playroom daycare at the gym for the first time while I got in a good workout. He cried at first, but was okay after a couple minutes. They have monitors in the playroom so you can see the kids as you workout, but they can't see you. It was neat to watch him interact and play with other kids when I wasn't around. When I came back in to pick him up he took off running towards me (which always makes me feel great) and then randomly burst into tears! haha. I don't know if he was just overly emotion or what. But we had a pretty good and productive day.
Today is going to be a long day! Poor Logan was up most of the night with a fever of 102 that still had not broke at 9:00 this morning. I think he is feeling much better now, but we are both extra tired because of it. He has been a very healthy baby his first 15 months so when he does get sick it just kills me! I cannot stand to see him hurt. We have got to get to the grocery store today though because TOMORROW, my parents will be here for the weekend! We cannot wait!
I have always wondered what my son dreams about. I know their is some debate as to whether or not babies actually dream, but I am totally convinced they do. It always peaked my curiosity as to what he was dreaming about when he would smile or even crack up laughing in his sleep. Well last night, my question was answered. (At least about last night's dreams.) Logan was in bed sleeping with me since he was so restless all night and he talked all night! He kept saying "buttball" (which means football) and tree in his sleep. So apparently this is what consumes his sleeping mind. Doesn't surprise me at all. The kid is OBSESSED with anything and everything football! He can point out any and all football logos on anything. He loves it!
Well, I guess we're going to go get motivated. It's rainy, cold and yucky out again so this is going to be somewhat difficult. But we'll get bundled up and on our way.
May God bless you with a wonderful day.